Ecuador day 2

by Oscar Vargas

Day 2 has been the most productive day for the team. Looking for paramos from Cuenca to Loja, the team was able to collect FIVE species of Diplostephium. Tomorrow a hiking day at the Podocarpus National Park is waiting for us.

Ecuador day 1

by Oscar Vargas

Day one was a lot of driving. The team left Quito around 8:30 and got to Cuenca 6:30. That is 10 hours of driving, no collecting, no photos, sorry. The surprise of the day was a nail longer that any of the field assistant fingers !!! just 20 minutes of delay ! Here the photo of the guy fixing the tire with his mom.

Preparing the fieldtrip !

by Oscar Vargas

Usando las bases de datos de Gbif y google earth me estoy preparando para la salida que empieza mañana hacia el sur de Ecuador. La salida será de aproximadamente 10 días.

Using Gbif databases and google earth I am getting to ready to road tomorrow traveling to the South of Quito. I plan to be on the road for around 10 days.

Ecuador !!!

by Oscar Vargas

El proyecto Diplostephium viaja a Ecuador para hacer salidas de campo, colectar especímenes, visitar herbarios y hacer intercambios acádemicos con botánicos locales.

The Diplotephium project is now traveling in Ecuador doing field trips, herbarium curation, and academic collaboration with local botanists.