Day 2 has been the most productive day for the team. Looking for paramos from Cuenca to Loja, the team was able to collect FIVE species of Diplostephium. Tomorrow a hiking day at the Podocarpus National Park is waiting for us.
Ecuador day 1
Day one was a lot of driving. The team left Quito around 8:30 and got to Cuenca 6:30. That is 10 hours of driving, no collecting, no photos, sorry. The surprise of the day was a nail longer that any of the field assistant fingers !!! just 20 minutes of delay ! Here the photo of the guy fixing the tire with his mom.
Preparing the fieldtrip !
Usando las bases de datos de Gbif y google earth me estoy preparando para la salida que empieza mañana hacia el sur de Ecuador. La salida será de aproximadamente 10 días.
Using Gbif databases and google earth I am getting to ready to road tomorrow traveling to the South of Quito. I plan to be on the road for around 10 days.
Ecuador !!!
El proyecto Diplostephium viaja a Ecuador para hacer salidas de campo, colectar especímenes, visitar herbarios y hacer intercambios acádemicos con botánicos locales.
The Diplotephium project is now traveling in Ecuador doing field trips, herbarium curation, and academic collaboration with local botanists.
Páramo video
Beautiful video featuring the páramos and its role in the planet
Going Live
Today is the official launch of Diplostephium, a site devoted to the study of plant biology and evolution !