Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Uckele KA, Vargas OM, Kay KK. 2024. Prezygotic barriers effectively limit hybridization in a rapid evolutionary radiation. New Phytologist 244: 2548–2560.
Chave J, Pouchon C, Suescun U., Lavergne S, Dick C, Vargas OM, Heuertz, M. 2024. Evidence for a Miocene pulse of diversification of the tropical American clade of the Brazil nut family (Lecythidaceae). Botany Letters 171(4): 537–551.
Vargas OM, Larson DA, Batista J, Cornejo X, Luize BG, Medellin-Zabala D, Ribeiro M, Smith NP, Smith SA, Vicentini A, Dick CW. 2024. Reclassification of the Bertholletia Clade of the Brazil Nut Family (Lecythidaceae) Based on a Phylogenetic Analysis of Plastome and Target Sequence Capture Data. Harvard Papers in Botany 29 (1): 159–79.
Ávila-Lovera E, Vargas OM, Funk JL, Kay KM, Goldsmith GR. 2024. Climate and Shared Evolutionary History Drive Trait Variation among Species of Neotropical Understory Monocots. Ecosphere 15 (6): 1–18.
Monteiro TCE, Iganci JRV, Miotto STS, Simpson BB, Vatanparast M, Lewis GP, Klitgård BB, Pezzini FF, Vargas OM, Fortuna-Perez AP. 2024. Towards a Monophyletic Infrageneric Circumscription of Adesmia DC. (Dalbergieae, Leguminosae): a Taxonomic Revision in Adesmia series Adesmia. Phytotaxa 639:1–69.
Vargas OM, Madriñán S, Simpson B. 2023. Allopatric speciation is more prevalent than parapatric ecological divergence in a recent high-Andean diversification (Linochilus: Asteraceae) PeerJ 11:e15479
Harenčár J, Vargas OM, Escalona M, Schemske DW, Kay KM. 2023. Genome assemblies and comparison of two neotropical spiral gingers: Costus pulverulentus and C. lasius. Journal of Heredity esad018.
Juárez P, Vargas OM, Kay KM. Ecological and evolutionary origin of Costus flammulus (Costaceae): a new species from the montane cloud forests of the volcanic cordilleras in northern Costa Rica. Systematic Botany 48:145–157.
Hernandez G, Perez TM, Vargas OM, Kress WJ, Molina-Bravo R, Cordero RA, Seeman JR, García-Robledo C. 2022. Evolutionary history constrains heat tolerance of native and exotic tropical Zingiberales. Functional ecology.
Larson D, Vargas OM, Vicentini A, Dick CW. 2021. Admixture may be extensive among hyperdominant Amazon rainforest tree species. New Phytologist. [pdf]
Díaz-Vasco O, Baca-Gamboa AE, Calderón-Arias AM, Ramírez-Padilla BR, Idárraga-P Á, Pizano-Gómez C, Castellanos-Castro C, Castro C, Mendoza H, Posada JM, Vargas OM, Vieira-Uribe S, Velásquez-Hurtado A, Salinas NR, García N. 2021. Lista Roja de Plantas Vasculares Endémicas de la Alta Montaña de Colombia. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Unión Europea., Bogota, Colombia.
Vargas OM, Goldston B, Grossenbacher DL, Kay MK. 2020. Patterns of speciation are similar across mountainous and lowland regions for a Neotropical plant radiation (Costaceae: Costus). Evolution 74: 2644–2661. [preprint]
Larson DA, Walker JF, Vargas OM, Smith SA. 2020. A consensus phylogenomic approach highlights paleopolyploid and rapid radiation in the history of Ericales. American Journal of Botany 107:1–17. [pdf]
Baker PA, Fritz SC, Dick CW, Prates I, Battisti DS, Vargas OM, Asner GP, Martin RE, Wheatley A. 2020. Beyond Refugia: New insights on Quaternary climate variation and the evolution of biotic diversity in tropical South America, in Rull V & Carnaval A (Eds.) Neotropical Diversification: Patterns and Processes. Springer, 51–70.
Vargas OM, Dick CW. 2020. Diversification history of Neotropical Lecythidaceae, an ecologically dominant tree family of Amazon rain forest, in Rull V & Carnaval A (Eds.) Neotropical Diversification: Patterns and Processes. Springer, 791–809.
Saldivia P, Vargas OM, Orlovich DA, Lord JM. 2019. Nomenclatural priority of the genus Linochilus over Piofontia (Asteraceae: Astereae). Phytotaxa 424 (3): 158-166. [pdf]
Walker JW, Walker-Hale N, Vargas OM, Larson DA, Stull GW. 2019. Characterizing gene tree conflict in plastome-inferred phylogenies. PeerJ 7: e7747 [pdf]
Vargas OM, Heuertz M, Smith SA, Dick CW. 2019. Target sequence capture in the Brazil nut family (Lecythidaceae): marker selection and in silico capture from genome skimming data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 135: 98–104 [pdf]
Thomson AM*, Vargas OM*, Dick CW. 2018. Complete plastome sequences from Bertholletia excelsa and 23 related species yield informative markers for Lecythidaceae. Applications in Plant Sciences 6: e1151. [pdf]
Vargas OM. 2018. Reinstatement of the genus Piofontia: a phylogenomic-based study reveals the biphyletic nature of Diplostephium (Asteraceae: Astereae). Systematic Botany 43: 485–496. [pdf]
Brown JW, Parins-Fukuchi C, Stull GW, Vargas OM, Smith SA. 2017. Bayesian and likelihood phylogenetic reconstructions of morphological traits are not discordant when taking uncertainty into consideration. A comment on Puttick et al. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20170986. [pdf]
Vargas OM, Ortiz EM, Simpson BB. 2017. Conflicting phylogenomic signals reveal a pattern of reticulate evolution in a recent high-Andean diversification (Asteraceae: Astereae: Diplostephium). New Phytologist 214:1736–1750. [pdf]
Avila F, Funk VA, Diazgranados M, Díaz-Piedrahíta S, Vargas OM. 2016. Asteraceae. in: Bernal R, Gradstein SR, Celis M, eds. Catálago de líquenes y plantas de Colombia v. 1. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 795–908. [on-line version]
Vargas OM, Madriñán S. 2012. Preliminary Phylogeny of Diplostephium (Asteraceae): Speciation Rate and Character Evolution. Lundellia 15: 1–15. [pdf]
Vargas OM. 2011. A nomenclator of Diplostephium (Asteraceae: Astereae): a list of species with their synonyms and distributions by country. Lundellia 14: 32–51. [pdf]
Vargas OM, Madriñán S. 2006. Clave para la indentificación de las especies de Diplostephium (Asteraceae, Astereae) en Colombia. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales 30(117): 489-494. [pdf]
Technical reports:
Díaz-Vasco O, Pizano C, Cerón J, Calderón AM, Velaásquez WA, Mendoza H, Contreras MP, Madriñán S, Vargas OM, Posada JM, Baca A, Idárraga A, Castellanos C. 2018. La construcción de la lista roja de plantas endémicas de los páramos. In Andrade GI, Moreno LA. Biodiversidad 2017. Estado y Tendencias de la Biodiversidad Continental de Colombia.Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, 103. [on-line version]
Vargas OM 2005. Guía Botanica de los Bosques de Yerbabuena
*Denotes equal authorship